Monday, June 13, 2011

Kelly Jansen 20% Project Part II

For my 20% project I created a place on my website for chapter book enrichment activities.  I have always struggled with how to work with my students who are above-level readers and part of my chapter book enrichment group.  In the past I have tried to meet with them and do literature discussions about the books or have them respond in a journal.  This has gone by the wayside with RTI and not having all of my students in my classroom all day.  I wanted to create something that they could do at school or home independently.   I created a page on my website called "Chapter Book Enrichment," where I will create Google forms for students to respond to after reading assigned chapters.  I initially created a spreadsheet but then reconsidered after Michael brought up the fact that a student could easily erase another's work whether intentionally or unintentionally.  Plus, I like how I can imbed the form right on the webpage so there is less clicking and confusion.  The directions and expectations will always be right above the Google form so that there is no confusion.  I plan to use this format for all of the enrichment chapter books we read in second grade.  I will embed the new forms about twice each week.  I am really excited to try this next fall and I believe that it will be a huge motivator for my students.  Here is a link to my webpage:

This project really helped me grow in the area of designing and developing a digital-age learning experience and assessment.  With the little time that I had to devote to my chapter book enrichment groups, I was never 100% sure that they were understanding the stories and truly growing in their reading.  With this tool, students can manage their own learning by responding to what they have read.  I will in turn have a running record of how they are interpreting the stories, their predictions, summaries, evaluations, and the questions they have.  I will more readily be able to talk with them about their progress. This project has also helped me engage in professional growth and leadership.  I have shared my Google forms with my team and we have already discussed other ways that we can use digital-age learning tools to assess students.  Not only are they motivating for students, but they are easily manageable for teachers.  I will strive to continue to reflect on digital tools and incorporate them into my teaching as much as possible.

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