For my 20% project I used Google Docs to convert all of our second grade (paper) HM grammar tests into (electronic) Google Forms. The grammar tests are taken once at the end of each week, and they cover the skill that we learned and practiced throughout the week. The tests are multiple choice and 5 questions in length. My students take the test during our Thursday literacy stations while they are at the computer station. Before we begin stations, I embed that week's test into my Google site. The students learn how to navigate my website at the beginning of the year, so it was not a hard transition to simply show them the new "grammar test" page of my website. My students' answers are immediately sent to a spreadsheet where I can see how individuals and the class as a whole performed. I can then determine if we need to work on the skill more as a class or if individual students need continued practice. You can view my latest grammar test by visiting my website at the following link:
I feel that this project helped me grow in all three areas of the standards. By designing/developing these tests I incorporated a contemporary learning tool that allows me and my students to see immediate feedback. I hope to model this even further for my students by showing them how I created the grammar tests and then have them use Google Forms to create their own quiz or survey. I also plan to be a leader in this type of assessment by sharing all of the tests that I created with all other second grade teachers in the district. In return, I hope that more teachers start creating assessments and lessons that can be collaborated on and subsequently shared. Using Google Forms has saved so much time and paper, and the students are much more motivated to complete them on the computer. I hope to continue to use Google Docs for assessments and other projects!
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