Sunday, March 27, 2011

Nickie McClure 20% Project

Nickie McClure
20% Project
Integrating Technology in the curriculum
Hamline University 2011

Idea- I integrated a technology lesson with every second grade Language Arts Theme.

Theme one- Silly Stories- This theme has four very funny, fantasy stories. As a closing the students will make a comic using the makebelief comics. They will use two characters from two different silly stories. Students will work with a partner and complete a rough copy first. Next, I will demonstrate the site in the classroom, then students will create their own in the lab

Theme Two- Nature Stories- Kerploof story- students will create a nature/aminal story in kerploof

Theme Three- Around the Neighborhood- These stories focus on different neighborhoods
 (Chinatown, the city, the Barrio). I will have the kids gather three facts about the Edina community and make three slides. This also fits with our Edina history social studies unit.

Theme Four-Amazing animals-  Using kidspiration students will create a web of animal with three facts them voice thread  their facts as well

Theme five- family Stories- Blabberize- Students will download a lifetouch picture and say three fact about their families. 1- who is in the family? 2. tradition 3.  favorite vacation

Theme six- Talent- advertise their own talent using an interactive poster on Glogster

 The 1st standard of developing technology to enrich and pursue students' curiosities I feel I have accomplished. I told the kids a little about the tool blabberize- everyday they ask when do we get to try it. We finally did it so their curiosities were pursued.

The 2nd standard to model and facilitate current digital tools- I have done by modeling make belief comics, voice thread, and blabberize thus far.

The 3rd standard to evaluate and reflect existing digital tools I believe was my 20% project. I researched and evaluated many tools to see how certain tools would fit into the curriculum.

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