1. What did I accomplish with my 20% project?
My 20% project was really exploring and using different presentation and digital documentation tools. Specifically, I worked a lot on screen casting, using Google presentations and using prezi. I also did a few fun things as I went on this 20% ride...I used wordle, smilebox and glogster.
Here is specifically what I accomplished:
· I screen-casted many items (more than 10) for my RtI Moodle Course. (TEAMing, RtI Part I , RtI part II, Student Learning plans, PSP for example)
· I screen-casted a Registration welcome for 5th grade students/parents.
· I created a registration Prezi...though, it is not as pretty as yours!
· I created a jing for some small application things for RtI.
· I also used a Jing for my “out of school” life. I am the commissioner of Church League Softball in Northfield , my home town. I am in the process of creating a Google site and some jings with pertinent league info on them. How fun is that??
2. So, how have I grown in the three areas listed below? I have provided feedback under each area.
- Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
I really think I grew a lot in this area. I am especially proud of the many screen casts I completed for my integrated project, Registration and a jing for softball in Northfield . I feel like my learning products for my Moodle site were a reflection really of my learning to do many presentations and learning to digitally document more effectively. I know that I never could have even attempted the Moodle Course without practicing the many presentation tools.
- Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
I take this very seriously. I want staff at VVMS to see me as a learner...always a learner and a teacher first. By actually enrolling in the tech cohort and using my learning to impact my work as a principal, I feel like I am modeling engaging and inspiring learning. I really can’t say enough about wordle and screen casting...they have been so fun. I talk to teachers about them all the time. I feel like I am a good tech model for my building and the 20% project has only increased by skill set in this area.
- Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
One of the really fun things about the 20% project, creating the Moodle course and the tech cohort in general is to engage in learning beyond my Ed.D. I am close to my dissertation proposal and all that goes with it. However, I love the fact that I get to use another part of my brain with technology. I consider myself creative and find that the 20% project was really in my right brain wheelhouse.
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