In my 20% Project I have continued my pledge to implement technology into my life. A big step this week was the tossing of the cassette tapes (gasp!) so that I start next year with my new iPod. For years all listening activities in my Spanish classes have been recorded on cassette tape and when students need to make up a test they sit down at the 1960's cassette machine and take the test. However in the past few years students don't even know how to turn on a cassette player. I'm not quite sure how I will do all this make up testing on the iPod; or I may even Screencast the directions like I used to record directions and test-taking advice on the cassette tapes. I don't know - maybe I need to talk to an integration specialist. Bottom line - there used to be an issue of panic when I thought about changing the way I do things. Now it seems to almost be the norm. Everything is different. I needed this course to make me see that technology isn't evil. It's hard, but I'm happy with the changes.
And I have lots of changes. I'm on Moodle and my 7th graders will start the year off in Spanish 1B, a Moodle course, and take a 15 point Moodle quiz on review verbs with feedback. (thanks Claude!) This summer I plan to try to add at least one Moodle quiz to each 1B chapter. I've bookmarked so much stuff that at this point my bookmarks are like my basement - I'm not really sure what's down there, but I've used quite a few of the grammar YouTube bookmarks and they bring a nice twist to class. I'll get that organized this summer. I used computers in my classroom and had students send me Voki projects via Google Docs. Mike helped me to see how I can have kids write about their Service Project reading buddies using Picasa. I just learned how to use Google e-mail today as I wait for my collaboration group to get back to me. There's always something to learn. Biggest lesson: Do what I can with the technology and don't sweat what doesn't happen. I'll get there at my own pace. Thanks Ed Fund for the financial help. It was an incentive.
Harry, Asab, Logan, Ian and Tony (aka: Hector, Renaldo, Hugo, Fernando y Antonio) collaborating on a script using Google Docs. The group work can continue on-line after class is over.
"Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools" - Voki April quite successful, but MCA testing rushed our lab experience.
"evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning" - Collaborative work - end of the year oral presentation. Some groups used Google Docs to write scripts and I could evaluate group participation.
"Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school..." - My colleagues and I are talking about how we want to have a session in PLC's to show the department how to use Google Docs.
Really proud of you Sue! Your risk-taking and learning have been an inspiration!