Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mary Elliott 20% Project Part II

I call this the “30 NETBOOKS, 30 MICE, 30 6TH GRADERS and 30+ MINUTES IN A CLASSROOM:  OR HOW DO YOU TEACH DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP?” project.  It has undergone many changes since I started.  Here is the link to the final product, which is of course still a work in progress: http://prezi.com/wwejl_e_iafg/edit/#1  In an effort to create a presentation that could be viewed by individuals and classes, I created a Prezi as the beginning part of a computer orientation that can be viewed by new students individually or used in a group session by classes.  There are links to the media center web pages where there is a "pretest" quiz to see how much they already know.  This will be part of the 6th grade orientation Sept. 2011 in the 6th grade science classes.  Traditional “Library” orientation is a separate plan that will be done with the reading/LA teachers in conjunction with their reading assignments.  There are 2 sessions: Session 1: Managing the netbooks: Laptops up and down, how to access the start up screen and the network (side button), plug in mice Access to the network, Schoolview and Google/Moodle are taught.  The 2nd session, using the Prezi aboveas a jumping off point, covers Internet safety/cyberbullying, “netiquette” digital citizenship.

NETS*T 2 and 3: Prior to beginning this class, I had only a rudimentary knowledge of project based learning and rubrics for assessment.  Thanks to the projects we did, including the 20% project, I feel much more confident in my knowledge of this.  My netvibes page is now chock full of links to websites, blogs and ideas for use of web 2.0 tools and rubrics for assessments.  I can write goals and objectives and along with them develop assessments to see what progress has been made and how to help those who didn’t “get it” the first time.

NETS*T 5:  All of the projects including the 20% one have made me a better media specialist.  I have gained a better insight into the work of the classroom teacher and how I could introduce the use of digital tools of many kinds into the classroom.  I understand Moodle and Moodle classes in more depth and so can advise teachers on their design and use.  The use of Prezis, digital images, wordles, Moodle documents and presentations are all digital tools I have become more proficient in thanks to the work I have done through this course.

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