My 20% project consisted of improving my web presence through a classroom webpage. This project for me enhanced my skills of formatting the website, building links to helpful pages, and setting up the site for updating lesson resources. I am also working on a moodle site for each unit I teach, so I will have more resources and lessons listed there. For the classroom website I changed my sidebar to have links which make sense to my classroom. I created clear and accurate information for parents and students to use. I also created links for students to use to understand the standards for the class.
Through this project I learned that learning new technology does take time to learn, but it’s worth it. After learning how to navigate around the site, I am now able to focus on more of the content. There were three standards I took away from this project in relation to the content. The first was I “developed technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursuer their individual curiosities.” I did this by creating links and resources for each unit’s standards. This allows all students, with access to Internet, to learn more about the math standards on their own and discover how they would use this math in their world.
The second standard I met was to “facilitate effective use of current emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning.” While using websites isn’t an emerging digital tool, I now have the ability to connect students directly with these tools for their learning. By creating a working classroom website I can encourage students to link into more resources right at their fingertips. I am also excited to have the site be flexible enough to change things at anytime, making it reflect upon the students in the classroom.
The third standard I met was to show lifelong learning by “demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.” As I was developing this site and working to make it more user friendly, I would often ask students to take a look and provide feedback on the layout, content, and most often if their like any of the links provided. As students provided feedback, they would see some of the changes they suggested. I was modeling for them how to be a lifelong learner. Always seeking to be better and never perfect. Always looking for the next challenge. It was important for me to show this to my students as I hope they will also strive for making things better.
Overall, this experience was great. I loved being able to choose what I wanted to devote my time to and how I would do it. I loved being able to change and flex my idea as it grew. There is still much I would like to do with my classroom website, but I feel I now have better technology skills to make those changes happen.
To see my site click here:
To see my site click here:
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