Friday, April 1, 2011

Allison Engmark's 20% Project

My 20% project focused on exploring the different tools and programs out in the cyber world that I can use to help me research personal and professional items and tools that I can use in the classroom to teach students how to incorporate their 21st century skills into their own learning experience.  Throughout the course, I used tools like Twitter and Google Apps to connect myself to others.  Twitter provided a way for me to read about the views of other educators and articles that are relevant to my educational career.  I was also able to find great recipes and articles of interest for my personal life.  The Google Apps provided a way to communicate effectively with my colleagues and students.  I found ways to incorporate these Google Apps into my classroom lessons.  I look forward to continuing my work with these programs and expanding my horizon.

In looking through the NETS*T Standards, I feel that I have definitely accomplished what these standards are aiming for us to achieve.  I have shared with my students some of the stories and tools that I have encountered while taking this Teaching & Technology course, and asked for their help and patience with me as we try new things.  I think this was a great model for them to see that we (teachers) are constantly learning new things.  One of the tools that I have used in my classroom already is the Google Form application.  I created a few surveys and sent them out to all of my students.  I think it’s a great way for each student feel like they have a voice in my classroom.  Once they responded, I was able to collect their thoughts and put them together in a “wordle” picture that illustrates the main ideas that they came up with.  One of the survey forms that I sent out asked the students “What are the skills that you need to be a lifelong learner?”  I was very pleased with how many students took the assignment seriously and put a lot of thought into their responses.  I was also excited to see their answers to the follow up questions which helped them see what their role is in gaining those skills to be successful lifelong learners. 

Another tool that one of my students introduced to me is called Quizlet.  This online program allows for students and/or teachers to create sets of flashcards and reviews for assessments.  It is a great way for students to incorporate their 21st century skills into their educational experience.  They have the ability to set their own goals, manage their own learning, and see the progress they are making.  This program can be accessed on the internet or through a smart phone app.  It is convenient and easy to use. 

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