I also led a "Theaters of Learning" class with first through fifth graders using iTouches. I started out having them just explore any of the many apps on the iTouches. Then over the course of the next classes we created projects on the apps, "Storykit" and "StoryRobe" and "Strip Design." Each app had different features and capabilities for kids to retell stories or create their own original stories. They learned many different technical skills when using these apps along with reading/comprehension skills.
I found many fun apps for practicing math facts and for creating content on the post "Free Technology for Teachers" at http://webmail.edina.k12.mn.us/exchange/patfrier/Inbox/Loop%20Scoops%20-%20Get%20Kids%20Thinking%20About%20%22Stuff%22%20They%20Buy%20and%20more.EML?cmd=open&unfiltered=1
I also spent part of my time exploring the "Web Tools" site. It was so fun just taking time to check out some of these sites to use with my students. I used "Dipity" to have the a small group create a timeline for our Community unit. They were very motivated to use the computers to create something new and find pictures to go along with their fictitious events. I would now like to use Diptiy with the whole class to have each student create a personal timeline of their life as a precursor to creating a timeline for a person they will be researching this spring for our Biography unit and completing a timeline for also. I think having them create a personal timeline first will help some students really understand what information a timeline should have included.
develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own
model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning
I was able to model and facilitate digital tools with using my iPad to show new apps for the students to use. I also was modeling using new tools with Dipity and Moodle and creating Web pages and Google Docs with my students.
evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning.
I am continually now reading and trying to find was to integrate technology into my curriculum in ways that don't add to my workload but changes the product that they kids walk away with in their experience. It is not always easy to "let go" of the old ways but when I see the excitement in the kids when they are using technology it is hard not to get excited with them and to continue to try to find ways to integrate it into their day more and more.
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