I used the 20% project time to research many areas of interest. I spent a considerable amount of time on Twitter researching how iPads are currently being used in educational settings. I applied for an Edina Education Fund Grant and received funding for an iPad 2. I learned about a number of apps that deal directly with Physical Education. I also spent time streamlining where all my information related to Physical Education is made available to parents and students. I have always used Edline to post notes, class syllabi, and permission slips to parents and students. I now have updated my Google site so it has all the information a parent may need in one spot. https://sites.google.com/a/apps.edina.k12.mn.us/werner-physical-education/
I also set up a Moodle page which has assignments ready to go for my seventh and ninth graders. I want to make everything available in one place so I don't have to post information to numerous places and, more importantly, so students and parents know where to go to find pertinent information. http://moodle.edina.k12.mn.us/course/view.php?id=221
Part of my 20% project included setting up a Moodle page for my students. Now my students are able to complete assignments and reflections about their fitness goals online. They are able to turn in weekly logs related to their daily physical activity. They are also able to set goals concerning their fitness online. I have posted practice quizzes using Quizlet an online tool for learning vocabulary related to a specific unit of study. This helped me to meet the NETS*S standard in which students are active participants in setting their own goals and managing their own learning. Students will be able to monitor their own progress as they work their way through the Moodle course.
The 20% project gave me the time to research what is available online. My google page contains many useful links for students to increase their learning and involvement in goal setting. I also found relevant information through education and technology experts who use Twitter. I have shared a lot of what I have learned with the Twitter community and have benefitted from following what they have done as well. My learning is no longer just for me and my students. I am able to meet the NETS*S standard involving professional growth and leadership as I now have an avenue to share what I know as well as find out what others are doing as it relates to effective and innovative teaching.
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