Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Adrianne Lecuer 20 percent project part II

I started out my 20 percent project with the idea of making my end of year testing less teacher centered, and using some technology to help me do so.  The first thing I did was make the end of year Rhyming Test and Beginning Sounds Test on the Promethean Board to use with the Interactive Voting Devices.  This allowed me to administer the tests in a group setting and have the results instantly as well.  Only 3 students out of 17 needed to re-take the test with me in a one-on-one setting which saved me a lot of time.   I then decided to share an Art project that we did with the parents by scanning the art work, with students help, and then adding them to a Picassa slideshow.  This was then shared on the Kindergarten website.  The students also engaged in an end of year writing project that was scanned into Little Bird Tales.  They were then able to read their text, and see the final product once it was shared on our Kindergarten website.  Finally I created a Voice Thread to use for the counting part of our End of Year Testing.  This will allow each student to sit at the computer, count and record it for me to listen to later.  I think that I will “pilot” this with my higher students next school year, and if it goes well, create more for other parts of the test as well.  This will save me time, as right now I spend a good 2 months giving one-on-one assessments.

2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Before this class, I only used one-on-one assessments with my students.  I was able to start creating a plan and develop some assessments that involve technology so as to free up some of my precious time to still be teaching students.  I feel that using the Interactive Voting devices, and Voice Thread, are both really good ways to incorporate Digital-Age Learning Assessments into my classroom.

3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning

By keeping the Kindergarten website up to date, and creating projects with the students that use Digital-Age tools I feel that I have really been engaging in Digital-Age work.  When doing the work, I always model for the students how to scan, how to then upload the document, and what they need to do to record the sound.  They are seeing the steps, so will hopefully be more willing to engage in using the tools as they get older.

5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

As I stated before, I never used any alternative form of testing with my students before starting this class.  I feel that I have evolved to where I feel comfortable engaging in and using different techniques to ensure that my students have learned required content and skills in my classroom.  This will help me to then be able to share my results and knowledge with my other colleagues during team meetings and during our PLC time.


1 comment:

  1. What a great "eclectic mix" of activities! Nice job!
