Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Meghan Haselbauer's 20% Project Part II

Meghan Haselbauer 20% Project

            After thinking about what I wanted to spend time with for my 20% Project, I continued to come back to the idea of using Moodle in my math class.  I was nervous to get started because I don’t know hardly anything about it, and it would probably take me a long time to figure things out which means FRUSTERATION for me.  I ended up finding out there are TONS of resources on the web as long as you know what you are looking for and how to make informed decisions on what is good and what isn’t.  The topics below are what I worked on to accomplish a better presence on Moodle.
1.      Students entered data on a Google form and I was able to grade and see trends very fast – looking for ways to connect the Google forms to Moodle.   
2.      Learning about Moodle as a teaching tool for next year – explored Moodle created sites, found out there isn’t TONS on middle school math. 
3.      How to write Math on Moodle – for me and students, writing equations, fractions, and using different math symbols
4.      Diigo for resources in class and what I can use on web site and Moodle – I was getting tired of trying to organize them myself…
5.      Interactive math manipulative to use with sections on Moodle – WOW so much out there and GOOD stuff too.  I hope to incorporate more of these tools as I start working though different lessons on Moodle.
6.      Putting things together between Moodle and Website – making decisions on what to use for instruction and what to use for student resource. 

These projects connect hand to hand with the three standards.  First, designing digital-age experiences and assessments connects to the different quizzes and forms I created through Google Forms and Moodle course.  Students monitor their own learning by retaking quizzes in Moodle and getting feedback on how they are doing after each quiz or lesson. 
 Students see me as a digital teacher.  Some of the lessons will require them to watch lessons from teachers online.  After researching for the best interactive lessons on plotting numbers on the number line, students will have the best lesson I know how to present to them.  Each benchmark will be shown through different media and students will show what they know through the different media.
Finally, as I am learning more and more about how to become a better teacher, I try to surround myself with like peers.  My Diigo account links me into a network of teachers and resources from around the world.  Sharing ideas and resources allows me to bring the best practices to my students.
I love the 20% Project because it allows teachers to create, define, explore, and learn about the different avenues they find important and useful for their teaching and the students in the classroom. 

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