Friday, June 10, 2011

Jennifer Gross's 20% Project II

My 20 % Project was to implement the use of CPS Response System "Clickers" into my classroom.  We have had the opportunity to use Clickers for several years at Countryside, but I had never implemented them properly where they could be useful to our entire team.  I decided to write a quiz for every theme in our Reading Series so I could assess our students more effectively on Vocabulary.  I gave the quiz to the students and the best part was the Instructor Summary.  This was a little printout tell me what percentage correct each student got and how many questions they answered.  It was interesting because I had all of this data right at my fingertips.  I could easily do report cards and form my instruction.

Another reason I loved the Clickers was because it highly engaged my students in each lesson.  I decided to take it one step further and use them everyday in math for our math reflexes at the beginning of the lesson.  The students couldn't wait for math to start each day!

We also spruced up our Health Unit at the end of the year and I gave quizes after each chapter.  I loved this because I never had assessments for Health before!

Here is a link to the presentation I created so you can see what I did in my classroom!

The NETS*S Standards were implemented in the following ways:

2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

The clickers are definitely a new learning experience and research has shown that they improve students achievement based on engagement and the immediate feedback that is available.  I think I grew in the area because I am working smarter not harder.  The students loved using them and I had data right at my fingertips!

3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning

The students saw me modeling new age learning.  Clickers are a part of the future and used at many universities.  The students watched me implement and use some thing that is quite useful in the classroom.

5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

I engaged in professional growth in leadership by creating quizes that our entire team can use.  I am really excited about sharing all of this with my teammates!

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